Some primary works
These are my assignments during my first semester learning interview and the third is my first group project recording story. They have many shortages and I want to have better work in the future.
標題 1
About a podcastt
A podcast named SurplusValue is very hot in these days. The three hosts of this podcast are feminists but the podcast is not just around feminism and gender. Instead, it aims to be a pan- culture podcast. Unlike gossip shows, each time of Surplus Value has a long time for hosts to get ready—looking up information, sorting it out, expanding the cogent output and so on. Thus, the quality of this podcast is always the absolute advantage of Surplus Value.
However, because it is an open plat and some sensitive problems can be talked on it, it has a lot of controversy.
Recently, a professor Mr. Lou was invited to the program. The name of this program is : The plague, Language and specific person. In the podcast, they talked about the case which Wuhan shutdown to prevent the spread of infectious disease. Mr. Lou disagrees this behavior and he thinks it is not in accordance with the legal procedures and it is a kind of “oversteps the level of power” or “abuses of power”. Compared with this way, Mr. Lou prefers the behavior in the western democratic countries. “The harm of city closure is greater than the harm of the virus itself.” Mr. Lou said.
Also, he made comments on the slogans of this disease fighting and the death of Dr. Li Wenliang. Maybe it is just his own opinions on these cases, but it is not suitable in this situation. People in mainland are more likely to hear something can encourage them to overcome the difficulties. Now the podcast “SurplusValue” may undercarriage, hope it has a good luck.
The video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghx4l0Cp9o0
The photo essay
How Novel coronavirus pneumonia influence people’s life
This winter is difficult for mainland China. A new disease was found in Wuhan and spread all over China quickly. All schools stop face-to-face teaching and people are nervous because this let them think about SARS in 2003. Many people’s life get a big change during the past month.

Beijing airport park, on January 24. It is lunar new year that day and there is very few people in the airport. People on the roads all wear masks. Just a few patients in Beijing and it seems very far away from many people’s life.

A little girl, Alice, just 4 years old, is riding her bike in the neighborhood. Because of the disease, her parents just allow her play near her home. She is also wearing a small mask. When I ask her about the disease, she knows nothing about it. “It is good. I do not need to go to school and wake up early”, she said.

This is N95 mask, which can protect people best. But now the price of N95 is very high because the masks are more less than people need. The disease spreads more quicker than people’s thought. The shortage of mask causes many problems: Many people are afraid to go outside without mask and some people make unqualified masks to sell so that they would get a large sum of money. Now Beijing have the policy that civil servants cannot use N95 masks.

A sixty-year-old man, Mr. Wang, still keeps his habit that sitting outside every afternoon. Sometimes he would read newspaper or watch people passing by. When there are some more people, he prefers playing chess with his friends. He did not wear a mask when took the photo. It looks like a common afternoon for him. Mr. Wang said: ”I want to breathe fresh air. I do not think the situation is as terrible as they said.” The photo was shoot on 12, February.

The gate of a community is closed. The people who do not live in this community are out-of-bounds. People live in the community are required to go out no more than three times a week. When they are ready to go out, they need to show the guard a card which records their whereabouts.

On 17, February, 2020, two neighbors met each other and had a short talk. Even they all wore masks, there was still a big distance between them. It looks a little strange in normal times, but in this winter, most of people choose this distance to talk to another.

A patient was diagnosed with NCP. After the patient being sent to hospital, doctors carry out a thorough inspection to the neighbors. All people has contacted with the patient need to be isolated for 14 days and every day a doctor will come to check their body. When doctors do this, they need be very careful and wear special clothes to protect themselves. In the photo a doctor named Bai just finish checking on 15, February.

A lady just buys some food from supermarket. It is difficult to buy fruit and vegetables now. Many supermarkets were closed and fresh food is shortage. All supermarkets stop delivering to customers’ home so people need to buy things offline. Ms. Lin said on 19, February: It is so inconvenient. There are so many people in the supermarket, indoors and crowded. I think it is not safe and I am nervous every time.

This is a photo of my neighbor and it was shoot last year. The boy, Zhang Yuntian come home from Wuhan University and be isolated since he come back. “After all he comes from Wuhan, nobody knows if he is really healthy. Now many people have prejudice against who comes from Wuhan. Let him stay at home is responsible for other people, also is responsible for himself.” said Zhang’s father. Although he lives just opposite to my door, I never see him until now.
The girl, Lucy, has stayed at home for a long time. She just had an operation before the lunar new year and then the disease comes. She is still weak now but she likes keep watching out of the window. She does not like talking to other people and looks unhappy. Her parents are very worried about her.